5 Easy Prom Makeup Ideas


5 Easy Prom Makeup Ideas

Easy make-up at the prom- Before considering the variations of makeup, implying bright contrasts and bright colors, young girls who are going to the graduation party should take a closer look at completely different methods of decorating the face.

Easy makeup will be very beneficial in the image for the prom. It harmonizes with a variety of types of apparels and beautifully presents all the beautiful features.

Every person has his own idea of an easy makeup. Because of this, several myths were formed, which are easy to dispel:

  1. “There are no accents in light make-up” – myth number one. Nothing like this! The accent can be arranged, but only very carefully. It is best to pay attention to the eyes, since bright lips cannot take place in light make-up, and colored cheeks will create an unnatural image. Read more: Stress as one of the causes of skin diseases
  2. “You can use only neutral natural tones” – myth number two. And this can not be called true. Even green shadows will fit well if they are applied correctly.
  3. “Light colors can be applied densely” – myth number three. This can not be done, because they strongly highlight the area of application. All textures should be translucent and lay down a light layer. Exceptions are mascara and eyeliner.
  4. “Eyelashes can be selected as you like” – myth number four. Even if you used overhead cilia (and this can not be called makeup), the required ease will no longer be. They can create only the effect of incompleteness. It is better to apply a light coat of mascara. Read more: 7 beauty secrets of hydrogen peroxide
  5. “Any textures will do” – myth number five. In fact, mat and mother-of-pearl are suitable. About gloss and radiance and speech cannot be.
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Delicate make-up at the prom

Create a beautiful combination with the help of shadows and means for the lips is not difficult. The top line of the table indicates the colors of lipsticks and glosses, and in the first column – the colors of the pigments for the eyelids. The best combinations are highlighted.

This option is flawlessly combined with dresses in the Greek style, as well as with any dresses that have gold elements. Despite its lightness, it looks very expensive.

For make-up in golden colors, mother-of-pearl golden-cream and light golden-brown shades are needed. The best color of blush is maximum natural golden-beige. In order not to turn a face into a golden mask, lips need to be highlighted with a neutral transparent luster. Mascara needs black.

Light golden makeup at the prom

The technique of “golden” make-up is devoid of tricks:

  1. Visually divide the diagonal stripe of the upper eyelids. The line should go from the center. Its top should rush towards the outer corners.
  2. Parts that are close to the inner corners, framed by light shadows. Everything else is painted brown.
  3. We lightly apply mascara.
  4. It is necessary to emphasize blush not cheeks, but outlines of cheekbones.
  5. We paint lips, trying to put more shine on their center.

This method of applying cosmetics will beautify any appearance. He can undoubtedly prefer if the make-up is very difficult to determine.

Peach and gray-lilac – suitable colors for shadows. It will take peach lipstick and the same in the shade of blush. It is desirable to apply a transparent lip gloss. Ink must be used only in black.

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Makeup “tenderness of flowers”

And now pay attention to the secret of creation:

  1. Lilac-gray shadows frame both the lower and upper eyelids. The area of dying of the upper eyelid is just above the fold. It is necessary to try to stretch the line slightly to the outer corner.
  2. The upper edges of gray-lilac shadows should be highlighted peach.
  3. We apply mascara only to the tips of the cilia.
  4. Blush to make a barely noticeable stroke.
  5. Lips first cover with lipstick and then put a shine on the center.

With the help of light makeup it is extremely difficult to correct any external feature, but such as small round eyes, you can visually change with the help of a neat arrow.

Shadows need to be used very gentle, so snow-white and pink are very suitable. The best color of blush, in this case, is natural with a light pinkish position. Mascara is required to twist black. The ideal color of the lipstick is a muted pink. Instead of the usual pencil for Podolski, it is better to apply the liner.

Example of gentle makeup

Read the detailed manual:

  • We frame the upper eyelid with the help of pink shadows diagonally, that is, gently raise the line from the inner corner of the eye to the outer one.
  • All that is above it, we paint with snow-white shadows.
  • A liquid liner draws an arrow and, of course, brings the eyelid.
  • We put mascara on the eyelashes, trying to twist them.
  • Blush should be painted only apple cheeks.
  • Lipstick is applied on natural contours.
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Unfortunately, when creating an easy makeup, the choice of shades of green shadows is significantly limited. Perhaps the best of the permissible is the olive color. For centuries it looks very easy and cute.

To emphasize the beauty of the color of olives, you will also need brown and beige-golden shadows. Mascara should be either black-brown or charcoal black. It is desirable to choose a warm blush and beige. Shine is suitable and transparent and with an orange podtonom.

Step by step execution of olive make-up

The technique of applying shadows is a bit unusual, so look at several points:

  1. All the moving upper eyelid, as well as the inner corner of the eye, is colored with beige-golden shadows.
  2. In the shadows of the olive color, we select the outer corner and draw the lower eyelid.
  3. Brown shadows emphasize the line of folds.
  4. Mascara with the effect of lengthening is applied to the upper and lower lashes.
  5. The apple cheeks are framed with beige rouge, we paint the lips with the chosen cluster.


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With a passion for all things beauty and wellness, Louisse brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her writing.
