6 Black Mask Recipe and Beneficial Features Face


6 Black Mask Recipe and Beneficial Features Face

Activated charcoal tablets have a simple chemical composition – carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen. Their absorbent properties are associated with a finely porous structure that attracts and absorbs dirt and grease from the pores, cleaning the face from the anchovy. This property of coal is used in medicine for poisoning, in the industry for cleaning air or water, and now in cosmetics – as the main component of cleansing masks.

In addition, in the masks of coal:

  • Smooths the tone of the face;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Struggling with a greasy shine.

If you regularly cleanse your skin with coal masks, it will be clean and radiant. The charcoal face mask review will tell you more.

Activated charcoal with yogurt

The action of the yogurt-coal mask is aimed at eliminating toxins, fighting inflammation and purifying the pores.

  • Yogurt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Carbon powder of 1 tablet;

Mix the ingredients and apply to the skin. The mask can be kept for 15 minutes, then rinse as usual.

Important: Use natural yogurt without additives.

Activated charcoal with sea salt

Sea salt cleans and tones up the skin, promotes rapid regeneration, reduces the production of sebum, tightens the pores.

  • Carbon Absorbent – 2 tablets;
  • Sea salt – 1 tsp;
  • Tea tree oil – 2 drops.

Grind the salt and combine it with coal and oil. Apply on face and rinse after 5 minutes.

Important: This remedy is not suitable for thin, dry skin.

Activated charcoal with lemon

Lemon juice whitens, removes inflammation, moisturizes and nourishes.

  • Coal powder of 3 tablets;
  • Yolk;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
READ:  Masks Made of Activated Carbon – Pledge of Cleanliness of Your Face

Whisk the yolk, pour into the carbon powder and add the lemon juice. Apply and wash off after 10-15 minutes.

Activated charcoal with aloe

Aloe heals wounds, reduces inflammation and heals the skin.

  • Powder from 2 tablets of activated carbon;
  • Aloe juice – 1 tsp;
  • Water – 2 tsp;

Mix the juice, water, and charcoal. Apply on face, wash off after 10 minutes.

Activated charcoal with rose water

Rose water soothes irritated skin, relieves inflammation and redness, tones up, moisturizes and refreshes.

  • Rose water – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Powder from 1 tablet of coal.

Combine the ingredients and apply to the skin.

Activated charcoal with water

This is a simple recipe consisting of:

  • Activated carbon – 3 tablets;
  • Mineral water – 1 tbsp. l.

Move all ingredients and apply on face. Do not allow drying on the face. Rinse with warm water and gel.

Important: Coal attracts both harmful and beneficial substances from the skin, so the masks should be caring for and nourishing the skin with additional ingredients.


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With a passion for all things beauty and wellness, Louisse brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her writing.
