Masks Made of Activated Carbon – Pledge of Cleanliness of Your Face


Masks Made of Activated Carbon – Pledge of Cleanliness of Your Face

Black dots on the face skin upset any woman. To get rid of black spots mask number 1 has long been considered a mask of activated charcoal, and for rejuvenation and facelift – a mask of gelatin. The symbiosis of these two products gives incredible results! Despite the fact that activated charcoal belongs to medicines, it is very useful in cosmetology, because the product still preserves all the best properties of natural wood during production processing. Try this ingredient to cleanse the face and it will become your weapon in dealing with dermatological problems.

The benefits of Activated Carbon

The indisputable benefit of activated carbon in the cosmetic industry is explained by its composition. To put in order the skin of your face helps its following properties:

  • The coal has antiseptic properties and eliminates foci of inflammation
  • The epidermis is smoothed, minor defects are eliminated
  • Activated carbon actively eliminates black spots
  • The product removes excess sebum, normalizing the glands

The Benefits of Gelatin

The use of gelatin for the face consists of the following qualities:

  • The tone and color of the skin is leveled
  • Removes the keratinized layer of the epidermis
  • Surplus sebum is eliminated
  • Increases the elasticity of the skin

Rules for the Use of Activated Charcoal

In the recommendations for the use of activated carbon in cosmetology there are no special secrets and nuances, but nevertheless, it is desirable to adhere to these rules for achieving an effective result.

  1. When you buy activated carbon for procedures, try to make it as fresh as possible, the quality of the procedures directly depends on it.
  2. Test the mixture and activated charcoal on your wrist before applying the compound to your face.
  3. The procedure is conducted no more than once in seven days.
  4. To open the pores well, before the procedure, steam the skin of the face.
  5. In order for coal to be deposited without difficulties, it must be literally pounded into powder.
  6. The mask lasts no longer than 10 minutes.
  7. After the procedure, it is advisable to sit at home for at least an hour, the skin of the face during this period should not be exposed to irritation caused by external factors.
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Indications for Use

Activated charcoal is needed when you observe a similar symptom:

  • The stale color of the skin
  • Surplus of sebum
  • Acne
  • Skin prone to fading

Contraindications for Use

Activated charcoal is not recommended if you have the following symptoms:

  • Ulcers or open wounds on the skin
  • Intolerance to the component
  • The mask from coal (as well as from gelatin) should not be used right after self-extrusion of acne


Each mask, which contains activated charcoal, is simple to manufacture, it is only necessary to thoroughly crush the activated carbon itself.

Mask number 1 (from gelatin). One of the most powerful recipes for skin cleansing and rejuvenation. Mix the crushed tablet of coal with a spoonful of gelatin and dilute the mixture of powders with two tablespoons of milk. Preheat 15 seconds in a microwave oven and treat the face. The action time is 10 minutes.

Mask number 2 (with yogurt). Pour coal into powder, mix with a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of fat-free yogurt. The action time is 10 minutes.

Mask number 3 (with clay). Spoon the gelatin and powdered coal pill into a powder mix with a spoon of black clay and warm milk. After 15 minutes, apply. The action time is 10 minutes.

Mask number 4 (with aloe). Mix a spoonful of crushed coal with half a spoonful of sea salt and a spoonful of aloe juice. You can add tea tree oil, not more than 2 drops. The action time is 10 minutes.

Mask No. 5 (with rose water). With two tablespoons of rose water, dilute pounded charcoal (1 tablet). The action time is 10 minutes.

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Whichever of the recipes you choose, the use of activated charcoal for cosmetic purposes will give your skin the necessary and deep cleansing?


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With a passion for all things beauty and wellness, Louisse brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her writing.
