The Eco Trunk Turns 1 Today: Happy Anniversary To Us


The Eco Trunk Turns 1 Today: Happy Anniversary To Us

It’s Been A Year!

I sit here writing this article and I can’t tell you how many times my fingers have pulled away from the keyboard. Wonder, disbelief, gratitude and excitement – I feel all this and a lot more! Exactly a year ago today, The EcoTrunk e-store came to life. And we went from being a blog – from being words and ideas to a place where those ideas took shape – that can be felt, shared, enjoyed.

And What A Journey It Has Been!

From putting up stalls at various festivals across the country, to creating events, ‘What Vegans Look Like?’- we’ve worn many caps now.

When I started The Eco Trunk, I was certain of one thing, that all our offerings should reflect the spirit of what we stand for. Which meant that every product we pick and bring for you, should reflect responsible living throughout it’s process.

There were times when we found absolutely stunning products – great concept and design, animal friendly too, but either the product wasn’t biodegradable or the packaging wasn’t recyclable or something else was amiss. And this happened frequently enough for us to ask ‘how much is too much?’ And where do we draw the line between personal ethics and real life business decisions. At such times it was helpful to remember the inspiration behind The Eco Trunk and what lies at the heart of our promise. The Eco Trunk is an honest and dedicated instrument to bring forth products that are passionately responsible. And this realisation has been our anchor on countless times.

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But here’s something special that I’ve realized very recently. That the same ethic has slowly percolated into my life. It has made me take a step further, be truer to my decisions. I now stand by them with a greater inner conviction. As I have shaped The Eco Trunk, it too has quietly shaped me.

At the office, each day we brew a different coffee. From the initial days struggles and sleep-less nights, to the exhilaration of a happy customer testimonial and the sheer anxiety of running an enterprise on a shoe-string budget, all a part of this journey. And it truly would be a less interesting story if not for them. The idea that we can bring to you the bounties of a good life is what drives us.

Maybe we use ‘Thank You’ so frequently and carelessly that when the moment truly comes to express gratitude, these words feel inadequate. Yet allow us to try.

I want to thank everyone who have trusted us, supported us, seen the potential in us…. I find my inspiration in you.

May we continue to walk together in creating a world where life is an equal celebration for all beings.


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With a passion for all things beauty and wellness, Louisse brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to her writing.
